Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ: MAXN), a global leader in solar innovation and distribution and the holding company of TCL Zhonghuan, recently announced that it has entered into a settlement and cross-licensing agreement with Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd. regarding shingled solar cell and module technology and the parties’ related patent disputes, effective 30 November 2024.
The agreement not only demonstrates the high level of professionalism and cooperation between the two companies in dealing with IPR disputes, but also sets a positive example in the PV industry that resolving disputes through amicable negotiations is a viable and beneficial way forward.
On 14 June 2023, Maxeon Solar announced that its subsidiary, Maxeon Solar Pte. Ltd. filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary Tongwei Solar GmbH in the District Court of Düsseldorf, Germany.
The lawsuit alleges that Tongwei is infringing Maxeon’s European Patent No. EP3522045 B1 (“Shingled Solar Cell Module”) for Maxeon’s proprietary and fundamental shingled solar cell panel technology used to deploy solar panels that Maxeon designs, manufactures and sells under the Performance Line brand name. The Performance Line panel architecture and manufacturing processes were pioneered by Silicon Valley-based start-up Cogenra Solar, which was acquired by SunPower Corporation in 2015. In the subsequent spin-off of Maxeon Solar Technologies, Maxeon retained the intellectual property associated with the solar cell and module technologies, as well as the SunPower brand in the more than 100 markets it serves.
On 16 June 2023, Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co, Ltd, a leading company engaged in the R&D, manufacturing and marketing of core solar products, disclosed that the above situation has been noted and the relevant information is being sought. Tongwei believes that its shingled PV technology and products are different and unique from those of other companies. Since developing its own shingled module technology, Tongwei has paid close attention to relevant patents and is committed to establishing its own intellectual property system and ensuring that the company does not infringe the patent rights of others. Systematic free use searches and analyses have been double-checked by internal and external institutions focusing on intellectual property rights before the launch of new products.
(Picture: Veer)